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Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Opening, Announcement and Keynote Speeches will be live. The dates are based on Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

Prof. Chongam Kim
Seoul National University, Korea

Keynote Speech I
10:30-11:15 PM, May 10 (Mon)

Computations of Compressible Cavitating Flows: Numerical Methods and Engineering Applications

Prof. Krishnan Mahesh
University of Minnesota, USA

Keynote Speech II
10:35-11:20 PM, May 11 (Tue)

Large-eddy simulation of turbulent cavitating flows

Dr. Steffen Schmidt
Technical University of Munich, Germany

Keynote Speech III
10:35-11:20 PM, May 12 (Wed)

Numerical prediction of cavitation erosion using a fully compressible fluid model including wave dynamics in nanosecond time scales

Prof. Satoshi Watanabe
Kyushu University, Japan

Keynote Speech IV
10:35-11:20 PM, May 13 (Thu)

Cavitation Instabilities of Pumps: From Linear Analyses to Experimental Observations